What is the Average Car Accident Settlement Amount?

The dangers of car accidents in Illinois are ever-present, posing serious threats to the well-being and financial stability of the injured victims and their families. From life-altering injuries to pain and suffering and emotional trauma, the aftermath of a car accident can be devastating. Make sure you have a dedicated car accident attorney on your side who can hold the negligent parties accountable and help you obtain the financial compensation you need to move forward in life.

Rear End Accident Between Two Cars

Average Car Accident Settlement Amount in Illinois

Typical car accident settlement amounts in Illinois can vary significantly based on the severity of injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering damages during and beyond medical treatment. Car accident settlement examples and estimated amounts include: 

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): In a car accident case, the settlement for moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries can range from tens of thousands to several million dollars. Factors such as the extent of cognitive impairment, long-term care needs, and the impact on the victim’s life contribute to the variation.

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Car accident settlement for spinal cord injuries leading to paralysis or significant impairment can range from hundreds of thousands to several million dollars. The need for ongoing medical care, assistive devices, and modifications to living spaces are considered in these settlements.

Internal Organ Injury: Settlements for internal organ injuries in a car accident claim depend on factors like the specific organs affected, the extent of damage, and the required medical interventions. Accident settlement in such a case for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering may range from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Permanent Disability: Settlements for car accident victims who suffer serious injuries and permanent disability can vary widely. Factors such as the nature of the disability, its impact on the individual’s ability to work, and the need for ongoing care contribute to settlement amounts. They may range from tens of thousands to several million dollars.

Wrongful Death: Wrongful death car accident settlements involve compensation for the loss of a loved one. Settlements can vary based on factors such as the victim’s age, earning capacity, and the emotional and financial impact on surviving family members. Wrongful death average settlement in a car accident lawsuit may range from hundreds of thousands to several million dollars.

Your Choice of an Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer can Make a Key Difference to Your Settlement Amount

A skilled auto accident attorney brings a range of pivotal attributes to the table, influencing the negotiation process with the insurance company and ultimately determining the compensation you receive for your medical bills, loss of income, pain and suffering, and property damage.

Experience, Skills, and Resources

An experienced personal injury attorney brings a wealth of legal knowledge, honed skills, and extensive resources to your case. They understand the nuances of personal injury law in Illinois and have the skills necessary to navigate complex legal proceedings and insurance coverage aspects. Moreover, their network and access to resources, such as accident reconstruction experts and medical professionals, ensures a comprehensive and compelling presentation of your case. 

Ability to Go to Trial and Maximum Trial Preparedness

While most car accident cases are settled outside of court, the ability and willingness to go to trial can be a powerful negotiating tool. Experienced car accident attorneys are not only prepared for negotiations but also maintain a high level of trial readiness throughout the process. The insurance company is more likely to offer favorable settlements for personal injury claims when they know your attorney is fully prepared to present your case in court if an agreement cannot be reached through negotiation. 

Proven Record of Large Settlements and Verdicts

The track record of an experienced car accident lawyer speaks volumes about their capability to secure substantial settlements and verdicts. A formidable record of success in severe car accident claims demonstrates their ability to take on powerful defendants. It instills confidence in clients as well as signals to the opposing party that the attorney has a proven history of achieving favorable outcomes. This may encourage the at-fault driver and the insurers to agree to maximum car accident compensation rather than risk facing a jury. 

Person Talking on the Phone After an Accident

Get an Experienced Illinois Car Accident Lawyer on Your Side

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in Illinois, the top-rated car accident attorneys at Hipskind & McAninch, LLC can help you obtain the justice and compensation you deserve. With a 99% success rate, our experienced team is strongly placed to build a robust case, prove liability of the negligent parties, and pursue the largest possible car accident settlement or verdict on your behalf. Call us at 618-617-6320 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today. 


Car Accidents