Uneven Pavement Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020, there were 5,579 motorcyclists killed in accidents. Cars have four wheels rather than two, which gives them more stability on uneven pavement. Because motorcycles don’t have a protective barrier like cars provide to drivers and passengers, road hazards pose a greater risk to riders than occupants in other types of vehicles. 

Cars may shake or bump a little when they roll over a pothole or raised pavement and at worst, get a flat tire. However, the same road condition could cause a motorcycle tire to get caught, resulting in a motorcyclist being flung off their bike and onto the asphalt, gravel, grass, or worse, oncoming traffic. The crash can lead to multiple injuries or even death. 

Even if a biker takes precautions and obeys all traffic laws, they are still vulnerable to colliding with road hazards. Any sudden change in the pavement level is dangerous for bikers. Other road hazards that are more dangerous for bikers than cars include:

  • Standing water
  • Oil slicks
  • Cracked pavement
  • Spilled gravel

The personal injury lawyers at Hipskind & McAninch, LLC can help you file your claim and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. We are ready to be your indefatigable advocate and guide throughout the entire legal process.

Safety Tips for Motorcyclists

You can’t control the road, but you can dress appropriately and prepare yourself for potential road risks. Although helmets are not required by Missouri state law, you should consider wearing one for protection. You should also completely cover your skin and avoid wearing shorts or flip-flops when riding. Wearing a reinforced jacket, denim or leather pants, gloves, and safety glasses will protect you in an emergency situation. You should also inspect your bike before every ride. Check the brakes, the engine, and look for any loose bolts or other parts, even if your motorcycle is brand new. Before you go out, study the route and find out if there’s a dedicated motorcycle lane, the speed limits, or if there are any lay-bys.

Causes of Uneven Pavement Hazards

Any sudden change in road conditions can lead to a higher risk of accidents and injuries for motorcycles. Some of the common causes of uneven pavement accidents include:

  • Erosion: Rainwater and snowfall erode the soil underneath the road, creating cracks
  • Heavy vehicles: Over time, large trucks carrying heavy cargo leave dents in the right and left tire paths and weaken the pavement
  • Gravel: Loose dirt and gravel decrease wheel traction and kick up gravel into the biker’s face 
  • Edge breaks: A broken or irregular edge of the road is usually caused by poor drainage and can eventually crack
  • Construction: Construction crews can make roads dangerous when they cover excavated work areas with steel plates that are not flush with the road, leave metal slabs in the roadway or dig up portions of the road to then lay down new asphalt or access lines

Common Injuries After An Uneven Pavement Accident

No matter what type of injuries you sustain after an uneven pavement accident, you should always get checked by a physician to rule out any serious injuries that could worsen over time. If the injuries are serious, you should immediately visit the nearest emergency room.

Broken Bones

Motorcycle accidents commonly result in broken hips, ribs, facial bones, a broken pelvis, or a broken clavicle. Fractures can occur to any of the bones and may require surgery, a cast, and physical rehabilitation to heal and regain full use of the body part.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Being flung from a motorcycle and hitting one’s head can lead to traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Concussions, hemorrhages, brain bleeding, contusions, seizures, and coma are all types of TBI that can occur due to the blunt force or jolt to the head when a biker is flung from their motorcycle and onto the pavement. Closed TBI is when the damage occurs inside the skull. Open TBI is when the skull is fractured or an object has penetrated the skull. Shards of bone can impale brain material, severing connections between cells, disrupt communication to the rest of the body, and inhibit proper brain functioning.

Back and Spine Injuries

A long bundle of nerve fibers called the spinal cord runs down the spine, which is protected by 24 vertebrae or bones around the spinal cord. When a motorcycle rides over uneven pavement and the rider falls off the bike, the discs in the back can slip out of place or severely injure the spinal cord.


Bruises are more likely on bony areas of the body. Bruises are likely to appear on the face, hips, buttocks, elbows, and knees. Broken bones often accompany bruises. Applying a cold ice pack for 20 minutes several times a day can reduce swelling and alleviate pain. After 48 hours, you can begin using a warm compress to encourage lymphatic drainage.

How An Attorney Helps You

A motorcycle accident attorney uses their resources to collect evidence from the scene of the accident, determine the responsible party, obtain their contact information, and develop a strong argument showing how they were negligent. The liable party may be a construction company, public works agency, or engineering firm, depending on what the investigation reveals.

Contact Hipskind & McAninch, LLC Today

We have successfully recovered millions of dollars for our clients, and we are ready and eager to assist you in your uneven pavement motorcycle accident claim. Call 618-312-1515 now to schedule your free case evaluation and learn more about your rights.