Belleville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

When you’re walking, you’re vulnerable to any vehicles that aren’t paying attention to you. If you’ve suffered severe injuries in a pedestrian accident, seek out the help of a Belleville lawyer and fight back now.

Pedestrians on Crosswalk

Walking is a great way to get a little fresh air and exercise in your day. Many people are finding alternatives to driving, and for those who live close enough to amenities to walk in cities like Belleville, choosing to be a pedestrian is a great option.

Unfortunately, being a pedestrian comes with its own risks. Unlike driving, you don’t have the protections and safety features that a car provides. Worse, drivers may not be looking out for pedestrians, which can be deadly if they don’t see you in the crosswalk.

You may have been injured by a careless driver, but you still have options for fighting back. You’ll need a Belleville pedestrian accident lawyer from Hipskind & McAninch, LLC on your side to get the full compensation you need.

Pedestrian Accident Injuries Are Serious

While being a pedestrian saves gas and helps you get some exercise in, it can be one of the deadlier ways to travel. When you’re walking, you’re likely not wearing a helmet or other safety measures. That leaves you open to serious injuries, some of which may be life-threatening.

The force behind a car can also have a serious effect on you. Any impact can jar your brain, for example, dangerously damaging it. So even at low speeds, being hit by a car can be lethal. If you’ve suffered any of the following injuries, get help from a pedestrian accident attorney today.

Recovering Your Compensation

When you’ve been hit by a car, you’ll need to find the right compensation for your recovery. The damage may be extensive, so you’ll need to take action to get full compensation to cover your injuries. Unfortunately, that’s tough if you’re not familiar with what damages you should seek.

First, you’ll need to get a handle on your economic damages. While you won’t have to worry about the costs of car repairs, it can still be expensive to cover your hospital bills, your lost income, and any accommodations you need for long-term injuries.

You’ll also need compensation for your nonfinancial, or non-economic, damages. These damages may be more difficult to calculate, however. Because these damages aren’t typical expenses, you’ll need the right tools to calculate them based on the impact they’ve had on your life.

For example, you might have broken bones because of the accident, which can be extremely painful. Your attorney will need to find the relative amount of suffering you experienced because of the pain of your injuries. So, make sure you have a lawyer who can help you find the exact worth for your claim.

Illinois Laws Will Affect You

Illinois Laws Will Affect You

It’s not so simple as finding what your claim is worth, either. Once you’ve found who’s responsible and what compensation you should receive, you should be prepared to protect that claim. Unfortunately, not acting in time can leave you with little or no compensation to recover with.

As such, you’ll need to understand the laws surrounding your claim, like your time limits. You’ll only have two years to file your claim and fight back. If you don’t act in time, you could lose your chance at compensation, and your claim will be dismissed.

Watch out for accusations of carelessness on your part, too. Illinois recognizes modified comparative negligence. For you, that means that if you’re found partly at fault for the accident, that fault will reduce your compensation by a certain percentage. So, if you’re found 20 percent at fault, you’ll only receive 80 percent of your compensation. If you’re more than 50 percent at fault, your claim will be dismissed.

Reach Out to a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Belleville

When a careless driver hits you while you’re on foot, it can leave you with serious injuries and trauma. Fortunately, you’ll have a chance to get the compensation you need for your injuries.

If you’re struggling with your claim, you’ll need to move forward with the help of the lawyers from Hipskind & McAninch, LLC. Our attorneys understand how difficult it can be to get the full compensation you deserve. Get started with a free consult today, and we’ll show you what we can do for your case.

If you’re struggling after a reckless driver hits you while you’re on foot, reach out for help. Our Belleville pedestrian accident lawyer can help you get what you need to recover. Simply reach out by calling 618-641-9189 or by filling out the online form below.