Car Accident Lawyer Centreville, IL
Getting into an accident is an upsetting, painful, and costly experience. If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence, you will need a trained personal injury lawyer to help you get all of the money to which you are entitled. The experienced lawyers at Hipskind and McAninch will fight hard for you. With years of experience on both sides of the insurance industry, we are well-versed in Illinois law.
There are a few things you should know about getting injured in an accident in the Land of Lincoln and what it takes to get a good insurance settlement.

What To Do After an Accident
After you have had an accident, it is important to contact the police and wait for them to arrive. They will fill out an accident report and interview you in the process. Most attorneys will tell you that it is not a good idea to admit to causing the accident even if you think you caused it. It is best to let the police look at the evidence and make their report based on that.
You should take pictures of the scene if you can, and get the names and numbers of anyone who may have seen the accident. You must always exchange insurance information with any other drivers who were involved.
If an ambulance is called to the scene, you should let the paramedics check you out. If they tell you you need to go to the hospital, you should go with them. If they advise you to go to the hospital, and you do not go, an insurance company may deny your claim.
It is always a good idea to go to the doctor after you have had an accident. You may feel okay, but certain medical conditions may not be apparent. An X-ray will reveal anything that may be wrong.
Laws in Illinois
There are two basic insurance rules In the United States, fault and no fault. In a no-fault state, a driver’s insurance will pay their accident-related medical bills even if they cause the crash themselves. However, the person who caused the accident will pay for damages to the property.
In a fault state, the person who caused the accident will pay all of the related bills. Illinois is a fault state when it comes to insurance. More specifically they are a modified comparative fault state. This means that a person can collect insurance money if they were 50% or less responsible for an accident.
An injured driver is entitled to the percentage of money for which they were not at fault. For example, if you were 40% responsible for an accident, you are entitled to collect 60% of your medical expenses from an insurance company.
Not only will an insurance company want concrete proof of who is responsible for an accident, but they will also want very detailed records of medical expenses. They will not take your word for anything. The better you document your expenses, the better chance we will have of getting you a fair settlement.
Collect Your Bills
A person who is interested in an accident will have to go to many doctor’s appointments. In some cases, they may even need surgery. If you have surgery, you will almost always need physical therapy after an accident. You may even benefit from alternative treatments such as massages, cryogenic therapy, or flotation therapy.
It is important to save your bills from every medical treatment that you get. Get a full written report from both your doctor and physical therapist.
Save the receipts from any medication you have taken whether it is prescription or non-prescription. You should save the bills for help you need around the house or any ride-sharing or cab services that you have used because of your accident.
Document Lost Income
We can recover money for lost income if you document that income carefully. You should go to your company’s HR director and get them to write you a letter stating the number of hours that you have missed from work. The letter should also state the amount of money you have lost. If you have missed out on any important opportunities at work, the letter should also state that.
If you are self-employed, an insurance company will want to see tax returns from previous years. Write a letter stating how much income you have lost, with any evidence that you can provide.
If your injuries are very severe, we may be able to get you money for pain and suffering. You would have to establish that your injuries are permanent or that they are extremely debilitating. It always helps to keep a diary if you have experienced psychological problems as a result of your collision. If you have seen a psychiatrist or other mental health professional, it is a good idea to get them to write you a progress report.
Calling Your Insurance Company
When you contact your insurance company, they will ask you for some basic information about your accident and they will tell you to send in your documentation. Once they receive your documentation, your case will be assigned to an insurance adjuster. The insurance adjuster will investigate your case. They will contact you and ask you questions about your accident. You are under no obligation to answer these questions.
The insurance adjuster will look at the facts and decide if your claim is valid. If they accept your claim, they will offer you a certain amount of money. Contact us before you accept it.
No insurance company will offer you the maximum amount of money they are willing to give you at first. If you search for “car accident attorney Centerville IL,” you will see quite a few choices. The lawyers at Hipskind and McAninch have years of experience in negotiating with insurance companies. We have handled many car accidents. We have legal researchers who will work diligently to strengthen your argument. In the unlikely event that we are unable to get you a satisfactory settlement, we can represent you in court.
Your health and happiness are very important. With the proper documentation and our representation, you can get back on the road and move on with your life.